Peace & Justice

This is the blog of the Commission on Peace and Justice for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Albany, New York.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Pursuing Justice

The New York State Catholic Conference, which is responsible for translating Catholic teachings into action in the public policy arena of New York State, has released a new version of its social justice booklet that explains how Catholic social teaching intersects with public policy.

While the Conference often speaks about issues that have both moral and political dimensions, it directs its attention to the issues, not to political parties or candidates. The Bishops do not instruct people how they should vote, nor seek to form a religious voting bloc, nor support or oppose political candidates.

The Conference encourages Catholics across the state to become more aware, concerned and active in efforts to shape public policies for the betterment of all society, by joining the Catholic Action Network and raising our voices on behalf of the voiceless.

You can read the entire document and print the PDF version here.
