Bishop Howard J. Hubbard writes about increasing the minimum wage in today’s Times Union:
If the minimum wage is raised to $8.50, 880,000 workers in New York would directly get a raise, while another 200,000 who have wages just above the proposed new minimum would also see a wage increase as employers adjust overall pay structures. This translates into more than $600 million in additional economic activity, which means more jobs, according to an analysis by the Fiscal Policy Institute.
By raising the minimum wage, we begin to discern the path toward dignity and respect for all members of our society that faith and justice demands. We also make the practical choice to balance wages and boost the economy. The working people and lagging economy of New York cannot wait any longer.
I urge the governor and Legislature to address this pressing issue either in a special session this year or as a priority item in 2013. That would give all New Yorkers something for which to be grateful.
The entire article is here.
Labels: Bishop Howard Hubbard, minimum wage
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