Peace in the Holy Land
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, in partnership with Churches for Middle Eawst Peace, provide the following Advent resource for Peace in the Holy Land:
Advent is a time of waiting. During this season, we look with eager anticipation to the coming of Christ into our lives and our world. Our longing for what will come can awaken us to the yearning, in the hearts of many Israelis and Palestinians, for a lasting peace in their land. During Advent, as Christians in the U.S. we pray for a just peace for the Jews, Christians, and Muslims in the Holy Land.You can learn more here.
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Christian leaders and congregants from across the country are joining together this Advent and New Year season to urge the next president to make Israeli-Palestinian peacemaking an immediate foreign policy priority. American Christians, together with Jews and Muslims, have an important role to play in praying for peace and in raising their voices with elected officials and with the wider public.
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