Centering Prayer
Bruce Gardiner, a member of the Commission on Peace and Justice, also is the local contact person for Contemplative Outreach in the Albany and upper Hudson Valley area. He will present a Centering Prayer Morning Retreat on Saturday, November 15th, 9 a.m. to noon at The Hubbard Interfaith Sanctuary, 959 Madison Avenue in Albany.
Bruce has completed the Roman Catholic Diocese of Albany Formation for Ministry Program and has been a FMP retreat leader and staff member; he also has been commissioned by Contemplative Outreach and Fr. Thomas Keating to teach Centering Prayer and Lectio Divina.
Centering Prayer Morning Retreat
Saturday, November 15th, 9 a.m. to noon
at The Hubbard Interfaith Sanctuary
959 Madison Avenue, Albany
Please note slight changes in agenda
9:00 Opening Prayer
9:10 1st Period of Centering Prayer (and overview of Centering Prayer for newcomers)
9:30 2nd Period of Centering Prayer
10:00 Break
10:15 Fr. Thomas Keating Video and Discussion
"Dismantling the Emotional Programs "
11:30 3rd Period of Centering Prayer
12:00 Adjourn
We are making a slight change to the schedule, as shown above, so that we are able to view one complete video tape during each Saturday session.
Please use the rear entrance of the Hubbard Interfaith Sanctuary, not the front door facing Madison. We meet downstairs in the Library.
There will be a free will offering to cover our rent and snacks.
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