Centering Prayer
Bruce Gardiner, a member of the Commission on Peace and Justice, also is the local contact person for Contemplative Outreach in the Albany and upper Hudson Valley area. He will present a Centering Prayer Morning Retreat on Saturday, December 20, 9 a.m. to noon at The Hubbard Interfaith Sanctuary, 959 Madison Avenue in Albany.
Bruce has completed the Roman Catholic Diocese of Albany Formation for Ministry Program and has been a FMP retreat leader and staff member; he also has been commissioned by Contemplative Outreach and Fr. Thomas Keating to teach Centering Prayer and Lectio Divina.
A moment of silence in the midst of the Holiday Whirlwind...
9:00 -- Opening Prayer
9:15 -- First Period of Centering Prayer
(also introduction to Centering Prayer for 1st time attendees)
9:40 -- Second Period of Centering Prayer
10:00 -- Break
10:15 -- Video with Fr. Thomas Keating
"The False self in Action" and discussion
11:35 -- Centering Prayer
12:00 -- Adjourn
Please come in the back door of Hubbard Interfaith Sanctuary.
FREE WILL OFFERING to cover food and rent.
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