Peace & Justice

This is the blog of the Commission on Peace and Justice for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Albany, New York.

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Dorothy Day Novena

The Dorothy Day Guild invites people to gather for an on-line novena of thanks for the witness of Servant of God Dorothy Day, and to celebrate the advance of the cause for her canonization. The novena began yesterday. Details are available here.

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Saturday, November 13, 2021

Catholics urge UN leaders to follow Pope Francis

More than 60 Catholic organizations from around the world have issued a statement urging leaders at the United Nations 26th Climate Change Conference to follow Pope Francis' leadership in reaching a prophetic final agreement.
“The science is clear,” they wrote, adding that “an extractive, unsustainable economy, fueled by fossil fuels, is causing the climate crisis that's destroying God's creation and harming the most vulnerable among us the most, those who have done little to cause the crisis.”
Signatories include representatives of Franciscans International; the Bishops of England and Wales; the Catholic Climate Covenant; GreenFaith; Irish Episcopal Conference; Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns; Missionary Society of St. Columban; Sisters of Mercy of the Americas Justice Team; and the Sisters of Charity. 
“We owe it to our poorest sisters and brothers, future generations, and all of God's creation to seize this historic opportunity,” the statement noted. “In 2015, Pope Francis wrote in Laudato Si’ that fossil fuels need ‘to be progressively replaced without delay.’ Now, in 2021, we have reached a decisive moment. We must reach an agreement in Glasgow that sets a clear and ambitious timeline for a just transition away from harmful fossil fuels. Setting out such a pathway is an essential step to accelerating investment in a clean energy future for all.”
He entire statement, along with a list of signatories, is here.

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Wednesday, November 10, 2021

35 years after Economic Justice for All

This month marks the 35th anniversary of Economic Justice for All, the US Bishops’ groundbreaking pastoral letter on the economy. On November 22 at 2:00 p.m., a webinar will look back at the landmark letter and reflect on developments in Catholic Social Teaching on the economy since that time. 

Presenters include Fr. David Hollenbach, SJ, Roxana Bendezu of Pax Christi, Meghan Clark of St. John’s University and Clayton Sinyai of the Catholic Labor Network.

Click here to register.

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Friday, November 05, 2021

International Vaccine Equity

 Because fewer than four percent of people living in low-income countries have been vaccinated against COVID, the US Conference of Catholic Bishops is urging people to contact their Congressional representatives to ensure that “the United States uses its full diplomatic and funding capabilities to push for the equitable distribution of COVID-19 vaccines. This includes pushing for additional global vaccine donations and investments in supplies, health systems, and further manufacturing capacity.”
An Action Alert from the bishops states: 
As Catholics, we believe in Catholic social teaching and that we must live out the principles of human dignity and the preferential option for the poor. The U.S. must continue to push for additional global vaccine donations and healthcare supplies. 
Take action and remind our elected officials that by helping others abroad, we also help ourselves here at home. Lift your voice today to protect the health and safety of our global family!
The bishops commend our government for its pledge of $4 billion toward the global vaccine campaign and the broader $10.8 billion committed toward the overall international COVID-19 response. However, they note, despite pledges from many nations, the global community has not fulfilled its commitments. The result is that “low vaccination rates worldwide have resulted in millions of deaths and unimaginable suffering that could have been averted.”
To take action or to learn more, click here.

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Monday, November 01, 2021

Virtual Prayer Vigil this Friday

On the First Friday of each month, the Catholic Mobilizing Network holds a Virtual Prayer Vigil to lament upcoming executions and bear witness to the inviolable dignity of all human life.

According to their website, “These virtual spaces offer a place to pray together as a faith community in response to the injustice of the death penalty. They include time for guided prayer, petitions, Scripture reflections, and contemplative silence. The vigils feature the voices of Catholic bishops, Church leaders, and allies across the death penalty abolition movement.”
Prayers will be said for those at risk of execution during November and their victims.
This Friday, November 5, will feature a Scripture reflection by Most Rev. Daniel Flores, Bishop of Brownsville, Texas. He is the Episcopal Advisor to Catholic Mobilizing Network. The vigil is from 2-3 p.m.
Bishop Flores serves the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops as Chairman of the Committee on Cultural Diversity in the Church. He also serves on the Ad Hoc Committee for Religious Liberty, Committee of Divine Worship, Sub-Committee on Pro-life Activities, and the Committee for Ecumenical and Inter-Religious Affairs. 
To register or view previous First Friday reflections, click here.

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