Peace & Justice

This is the blog of the Commission on Peace and Justice for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Albany, New York.

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Planning for Earth Day

The email began with a simple question. How will you and your parish, school, or religious community celebrate the 51st anniversary of Earth Day this year?

Since the email came from the Catholic Climate Covenant, it contained the answer, i.e., a link to a free one-hour educational program that can easily be downloaded.


With spiritual nourishment and practical activities, the program is intended for Earth Day (April 22), the 6th anniversary of Laudato Si’ (May 16-24), or whenever works for you. The interactive program includes prayers, readings, a short video, discussion questions, and suggested “restoration” activities.

Included in the program package are a Facilitator Program Guide (with all the materials, script, and instructions for an event organizer), a printable Participant Program Guide (suitable for in-person group events), and an Online/Individual Participant Program Guide (suitable for online [i.e., Zoom] events or for individual use.)

Click here to download the program. Organizers say that the Spanish version of the program will be out soon.

#CatholicClimateCovenant #EarthDay #LaudatoSi' 


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