St. Bernard's Convocation
Wednesday, September 8 marks the Academic Convocation at St. Bernard’s School of Theology and Ministry. This year’s speaker is well known and deeply loved: Father Chris DeGiovine, Dean of Spiritual Life and Chaplain at The College of Saint Rose and faculty member at St. Bernard’s. He is one of the most sought-after presenters in our diocese because of his style, zeal, and ability to challenge.
This year we observe the 50th anniversary of Nostra Aetate, the Vatican II document on interfaith dialogue.
Father Chris will ask: Where are we 50 years later? Have we learned much? What are the current and future challenges? And why should we even care?
The convocation is open to all; invite your friends.
Place: St. Vincent de Paul Church, Madison Avenue, Albany
Time: 7 p.m.
There is no fee; all are welcome. Caution: you may be challenged.
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