Spring Enrichment
Spring Enrichment is designed to provide everyone with the opportunity to come together to find out more about their faith and to deepen the skills and understanding of individuals serving in a wide range of capacities in the Church. Well over a thousand attendees, paid and volunteer ministers, lay and ordained, are expected to gather for four days of inspiring keynotes and major presentations, enlightening and challenging workshops, dynamic prayer and worship, critical networking, extensive new resources and certification opportunities at this year’s conference. With over 150 different courses to choose from, whether they come for a single two hour session, or attend all sixteen of them, there is bound to be something for everyone at Spring Enrichment.
The theme of the 37th Spring Enrichment is “Catechesis and the Proclamation of the Word”, the theme of last September’s Catechetical Sunday. In his opening keynote address, Bishop Matthew Clark of Rochester, NY will expand this topic to include all ministries in the Church, since catechists are not the only ones who catechize or proclaim the Word. Clark will be joined by Bishop Howard Hubbard on Monday evening for a dialogue entitled “A Vision of Ministry: Moving Forward in Hope.”
This year’s Conference, running from Monday, May 10 through Thursday, May 13 at the College of Saint Rose in Albany, includes 151 on-site two hour workshops and courses (four of which will also be simulcast over the internet). Interspersed with these workshops will be major presentations on cohabitation and marriage ministry, the future of faith formation, and technology to support ministry.
To check out this year’s Spring Enrichment schedule, the full descriptions of all our course offerings and to view and print a registration form, select “Brochures & Registration Form” on the menu on the left.
Some sample offerings follow:
B05 - Charity in Truth
(Advanced Certification – Theology/Scripture: Peace & Justice) Less than a year ago, Pope Benedict XVI issued Caritas in Veritate, an encyclical on the meaning of human development in a globalized economy. Striking a balance between the idolatry of obscene profits and pristine nature undisturbed by human activity for human needs, he puts each person’s transcendent destiny and the common good of all in society at the center of globalization - a new situation in human history. With Barbara DiTommaso & members of the Diocesan Peace & Justice Commission.
C03 - Introduction to the Creed
(Intermediate Certification: Creed) When we pray the Creed, what are we saying are the fundamentals of our Catholic Christian faith? This course is designed to give catechists and youth ministers an overview of our basic Catholic beliefs and introduces topics that will be more fully developed in other Intermediate and Advanced level courses. With Father Arthur J. Becker.
C07 - Transforming Grace: Unfailing Justice & Enduring Peace
(Advanced Certification – Theology/Scripture: Peace & Justice; or Methodology Elective (Adult Formation)) This course explores strategies for catechizing adults and catechumens on Catholic Social Teaching so as to act publicly and strategically in promoting a Culture of Life on multiple levels. With Father Neil Draves-Arpaia.
A Vision of Ministry – Moving Forward in Hope: a Dialogue with Bishop Matthew H. Clark and Bishop Howard J. Hubbard
(Parish Leadership; Catechetical/YM Leaders; Enrichment
Elective) Every moment and every activity is an opportunity to put parishioners into a closer relationship with Jesus Christ. In the evening keynote Bishop Matthew Clark, author of the recently published Forward in Hope: Saying Amen to Lay Ecclesial Ministry, will be joined by Bishop Howard Hubbard in a reflection on their vision and the experience of the growth in lay ministry in our Church. Exploring Church ministry and how the Holy Spirit is working through lay ministry they will invite us to consider how all ministries contribute to the Church’s commitment to catechize and proclaim God’s Word, not only through the use of words, but by our actions as well.With Bishops Matthew H. Clark & Howard J. Hubbard.
D04 - Justice & Service
(Intermediate Certification: Social Justice (Cat) or Justice & Service (YM)) Finding ways for faith to become “real” is one goal of the justice and service component of youth ministry. We will look at ways to engage young people and also to reflect on experiences of service that lead to deeper faith, a thirst for justice and a lifelong commitment to justice and service. With Sister Betsy Van Deusen, CSJ.
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