Building Peace with Justice
Building Peace with Justice is a brief, weekly bulletin reflection on Catholic social teaching written by members of a Rochester Diocese Public Policy sub-committee. This is the reflection for January 17.
Imagine such a God! A people forsaken are called “my delight” and a desolate land, “espoused”. Water is transformed into superabundant wine. The messianic age dawns and followers begin to respond . The US Bishops call us to respond to the revelation of a personal and transforming God by supporting comprehensive immigration reform that: provides a pathway to residency and citizenship; keeps families intact; srengthens security without being indifferent to hard-working families who pose no threat; restores due process to immigrants.
Action: Reflections and discussions on illegal immigration have been distorted (e.g. undocumented workers don"t pay taxes). For an informed discussion that enables us to reflect and to respond, check out the Catholic Campaign at Imagine such a society!
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