Centering Prayer Morning Retreat
Bruce Gardiner, a member of the Commission on Peace and Justice conducts monthly retreats on centering prayer.
Saturday, September 15th, 8:30 – 11:30 AM
St. Vincent’s Church, 900 Madison Avenue , Albany
8:30 Coffee and…Intro to Centering Prayer for newcomers
9:00 Centering Prayer (2 twenty minute periods)
9:55 Break
10:10 The Vision of Contemplative Outreach /
Plans for Our Saturday Meetings
11:10 Centering Prayer
11:30 Adjourn
PLEASE NOTE: This month we are meeting at St. Vincent’s, as the Hubbard Interfaith Sanctuary is not available. Come to the back of the building to enter. All other meetings this year will be held at Hubbard Interfaith Sanctuary.
If you plan to attend, or have quesitons, please contact Bruce at 518-325-5546.
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