Building Peace with Justice
Building Peace with Justice is a brief, weekly bulletin reflection written by members of a Diocese of a Rochester Public Policy sub-committee that links the Sunday readings to Catholic social teaching. Many parishes publish them as space allows.
For Sunday Bulletins on April 29, 2007
Who is more deserving of God's saving grace? The cradle Catholic or the new convert? The theology scholar, or the soup kitchen volunteer? The beautiful image given to us today in John's Gospel is of God's open hand, holding all of us. Every person has value and is claimed by God. The labels and divisions created by us mean nothing as Jesus gathers his sheep - "I know them and they follow me."
Reflect on a person or group of people whom you feel are less deserving of love and mercy . . . imagine God embracing them. Share in that joy, and pray in gratitude that God counts you, also, as one of His own.
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