Peace & Justice

This is the blog of the Commission on Peace and Justice for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Albany, New York.

Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Top 10 religion and politics stories to watch

Last week, at the Georgetown/On Faith blog of The Washington Post, Georgetown University Professor Jacques Berlinerblau posted an entry titled Top 10 religion and politics stories to watch. We were struck by #5:
5. Catholics and Evangelicals Don’t Always Lock Arms: Yet the Christian Right is far less juggernautlike when Catholics don’t come along for the ride. On at least two occasions in 2011, the nearly unstoppable political duo of Conservative Evangelicals and Catholics, showed signs of fracturing. The Catholic Church did not sign on to the aforementioned Personhood Amendments [#6] nor to the 9/11 controversy [#7]. The lesson going forward is clear: without massive Catholic buy-in, the Christian Right has a hard time achieving its goals.
There is a lesson in there, somewhere.
