Building Faithful Citizenship
Building Faithful Citizenship is a brief, weekly bulletin reflection on the U.S. Catholic Bishops' Document, Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship.
For Sunday Bulletins on July 20
Jesus likens the kingdom of heaven to a mustard seed and yeast -
things unremarkable in themselves, yet with latent power to produce
marvelous results. We, too, can help grow the kingdom in the here
and now, by living Jesus' command to "love one another."
As we survey the political landscape, we can easily become cynical
and withdrawn, convincing ourselves nothing can be done to change
politics, rectify injustice, or alleviate lethal poverty. However, our Bishops
remind us (in Faithful Citizenship) that we have a "moral obligation" to
participate in political life. "We are called to bring together our principles
and our political choices, our values and our votes, to help build a better
world." (ยง14)
Reflection: Imagine the power of millions of "faithful citizens" embedding their mustard seeds or yeast into the political life of our nation!
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