Building Peace with Justice
Building Peace with Justice is a brief, weekly bulletin reflection – written by members of a Public Policy sub-committee in the Diocese of Rochester – that links the Sunday readings to Catholic social teaching. Many parishes publish them as space allows.
For Sunday Bulletins on February 10
In today's Gospel reading, Jesus turns away from the temptations of satisfaction, well being, and power. He shows us true poverty of spirit, choosing to rely completely on God.
Francis of Assisi followed this example, rejecting the Crusades of his day and adopting a poverty that Brazilian theologian Leonardo Boff describes as "a way of being by which the individual lets things be what they are; one refuses to dominate them, subjugate them, and make them objects of the will to power." In doing so he became open to God's plan for his life.
Reflection: Are we willing to look closely at our desire for power in our families, communities and world? Might we become closer to God if we choose service and sacrifice instead of control?
For Sunday Bulletins on February 17
In today’s readings we hear God calling a people to be his own through Abram. To guide this people, God gave both law and prophecy. But humankind, whether as individuals or in the societies that we create, has a tendency to overlook or distort the guidance of the law and prophets. When God entered directly into history through Jesus, he fulfilled both, through his commands to love God and love one another. At the Transfiguration, the power of that love was so strong that a brilliance of light appeared, and this light is promised to us if we listen to Christ.
Reflection: This Lent, are we making room in ourselves to be brighter bearers of the light of love?
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